Breastfeeding Nests

As you begin your breastfeeding journey you are probably going to lay down in bed or on a comfy sofa and feed your baby. What often happens once you have established a good latch is that you are more comfortable breastfeeding in different locations. While this is amazing, you may run into a situation where you are breastfeeding in the living room and realize your Haakaa, water bottle, granola bar and burp cloth are all in your bedroom. 

A good way to avoid running into this situation is to set up a few breastfeeding nests around your house. This can be a tray, basket, or caddy that is filled with you breastfeeding supplies and are placed in places you often sit to breastfeed. This way, if you get hungry/thirsty or need wipes or a burp cloth, you know they are always nearby. 

A good list of things to include in these nests are: 

  1. Feeding supplies: Haakaa, nipple cream, extra pacifiers

  2. Diapers, change of clothes for baby, burp clothes, wipes, extra shirt for mom,

  3. Water Bottles, one handed snacks for mom, chapstick, hair ties

  4. Book or magazine for mom, phone charger that plugged in

You’ll quickly realize what your reach for while your nursing and can stock up extra on those items!




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What is a Haakaa?